Gas Station Solstice
I was back home in Wisconsin for the Holidays and convinced my brother to trudge around our suburb in a snow storm that whipped itself up on December 21st. After many hours of peering over Robert Adams’ American Silence and a few read ups on Ed Hopper the idea of shooting local gas stations felt rather natural. Snow always provides an interesting silence and changes how light interacts with the environment. This paired with the odd liminal spaces of gas stations at night created a really memorable shooting experience.
This shoot also helped me to work on freeing myself from the confines of social media and the type of photo that an algorithm favors. Moving away from social media posting as an end product allows photographers to begin to compose more organically. I am personally trying to give in to the wisdom of natural or original composition of photos, instead of trying to correct or pull out an image that didn’t exist in Lightroom. I’m hoping that as I move down this path my natural compositional skills will improve and my images will begin to feel more personal and human, less dictated by algorithm.